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7 Tips for Integrating SAP and non-SAP Systems

Allow your business to diversify the cost of integration while achieving SAP integration with non-SAP systems.

Enterprises are increasingly moving away from the practice of being confined to a single business software provider, including SAP. The trend is to adopt the approach called “Best-of-Breed”, meaning, each application is leveraged to optimize capabilities and enhance cost-effectiveness. Businesses are incorporating SAP Solutions along with other on-demand applications. Maintaining this diversity of software calls for significant amount of time and robust management capabilities to stabilize communication between the application and corresponding solutions. This necessitates SAP integration with non-SAP systems.

Here is the table of content for this E-book:

1. Why Should You Integrate SAP?

1.1. Choose Loosely Coupled Architecture over Point-to-Point Integration for SAP integration with non-SAP systems
1.2. Employing Standard Connectors for SAP integration with non-SAP systems
1.3. Monitoring Business Processes for SAP integration with non-SAP Systems
1.4. Using Visual Business Process and Integration Flow Design for SAP integration with non-SAP systems
1.5. Using Platform and Database-Independent Integration Technology
1.6. Generating Documentation for SAP integration with non-SAP systems
1.7. Using Experience with Similar Business and Technology Scenarios to Ensure Fast Production Startup forSAP integration with non-SAP systems

2. Rely on Experience of HokuApps SAP Integration

Selecting HokuApps as your SAP integration solution will result in gaining efficiency on one hand, and facilitating savings in multiple areas. This flexible pricing model can be adapted according to the specific integration needs of a business in accordance with its budgets and demands.

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