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A One-Stop Solution from Accounting to Compliance

Keep track of every item, unit, and product category with our powerful Inventory Management tools. Remove inefficiencies from your underlying systems to drive greater ROI.

Don’t Let Any Activity Slip Under Your Radar

Efficiently managing your inventory requires a careful and consistent eye on product, vendor, and transactional processes. Handling all of this manually while also taking care of customer needs, can be a challenge. HokuApps offers inventory software for both online & offline businesses, bringing the power of digital to improve visibility, enable forecasting, and automate daily tasks.

Grow your supplier network with scalable inventory management software.

We provide multi-channel tools, allowing integration with various stores & supply sources.
Barcode and Labelling
Track & authenticate your products across warehouse locations, minimizing loss/waste
Inventory Hierarchy
Configure your inventory & categorize products as per your unique needs & business area
Re-order Management
Avoid duplication of efforts by regularizing frequently placed orders & strengthening long-term alliances
Purchase Management
Source goods & services from a wider variety of vendors, with automated invoice integrations
Stock Maintenance
Digitally match purchase, active orders & future demand to maintain stock levels at an optimum
Pricing Management
Simplify price record keeping & account for flux in input material costs, ensuring profitability

Adopt Compliance-ready Inventory Management & Address Taxation Hassles

A robust inventory management system can make a genuine difference to your bottom line. You’re always updated on incoming/delayed shipments, vendor transactions are expedited, & digital classification means near-zero product loss. HokuApps makes this possible through easy-to-use software & native mobile clients for your retail business.
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Key Benefits
An uptick in sales numbers by linking inventories from multiple stores & channels
End-to-end tracking with batch monitoring support via barcodes, labels, & serial numbers
Quality assurance through enhanced control over product expiry & en-route quality changes
Acceleration of supply orders, leading to faster fulfillment for increased revenues
Reduction in time & efforts for bulk orders/frequent orders via 1-click reorder support
Multi-location management by harmonizing stock levels, transfer practices & reports

Digitizing the Selling Experience for Retail & Online Stores

The HokuApps platform helps retailer build an experience that stands out by understanding their unique needs, enhancing customer experience and customer engagement.
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Explore More Solutions From Retail Industry
E-commerce Store Management

E-commerce Store Management

Build your online presence through web or mobile applications, supporting sales via inventory management, order fulfillment, and logistics streamlining
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Brick and Mortar Operations

Brick and Mortar Operations

Transition your offline store to the digital era and engage with a new generation of customers by transforming jobs around billing, marketing, and HR
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Wholesale and Distribution

Wholesale and Distribution

Ease responsibilities around warehouse management & distribution hubs with a one-stop solution for your managers, franchise partners & other stakeholders
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Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management

Stay informed on evolving customer needs & find new ways to cross-sell/up-sell your offerings across different channels, driving new avenues for revenue generation
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Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

Process data around stock levels, historical sales, & purchase patterns through our ready-to-deploy self-service dashboards, built for collaboration
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