Mobile Application Development Platform (MADP) – Must Have Features

Mobile Application Development Platform (MADP) – Must Have Features

Long gone are the days when organizations were just trying to make their presence felt in the web space. With the number of tech-savvy employees growing every day, the concept of enterprise mobility is more popular than ever. This has given mobile application development platforms the center stage it deserves.

With changing time, enterprises have developed more specific demands from mobile apps which they want to use for mission-critical purposes. As such, traditional app development models cannot quench the thirst for a smart enterprise mobile app, as it involves hand-coding and takes long, sometimes years, to be developed and deployed. To meet the modern-day workflow demands, you need your mobile app to be developed and delivered faster, with better adaptability to changing market requirements.

If you are looking for a potent technology platform, partner with HokuApps Mobile Application Development Platform (MADP) to build smart, agile and connected apps quickly and more effectively for a variety of workflows.

Transitioning from MEAP to MADP Platform

It all started with Mobile Enterprise Application Platform (MEAP). MEAP can be called an interface which included all existing back-end systems, enabling app developers to integrate data and applications with a variety of mobile solutions.

Even though MEAP was quite popular, it often presented a jumbled set of various app parts to developers, who needed to intersect those together with custom coding. Quite naturally, it became the main reason for developers to lose steam, who often had to juggle between various time-intensive and costly projects.

Now consider Mobile Application Development Platform which is quite different from traditional app development processes. The HokuApps MADP platform helps businesses build custom mobile apps that can be leveraged to transform the business and provide improved business-value to their customers. If you look at the ever-changing nature of your app building strategy, Mobile Application Development Platform will be a great fit for your enterprise’s mobile needs.

Choosing the right Mobile Application Development Platform, however, can be tricky. MADP can actually help you rethink app development as a concept. Nevertheless, the developed app has to do a lot more than just offering mobility. It should enhance the productivity of your workforce by providing them timely, pertinent and accessible information whenever they need, and notify them about the critical tasks they need to complete. Employees should be able to execute the tasks through the app itself, without having to link into legacy systems through the mobile browser.

Apart from providing user access convenience, you have other factors to take care of like uniform app packaging, better app security, components integrations and affordable development. Therefore, the right selection of the mobile app dev platform is very significant, before you get started with building a mobile application for your business.

4 Capabilities of Mobile Application Development Platform to Look For

Keeping in mind the increasing volumes of enterprise apps required, combined with ever-changing user requirements for mobile apps, we have enlisted 4 significant factors available with the HokuApps Mobile Application Development Platform. Knowing these factors will certainly help you develop a better idea of the kind of mobile application platform, that would work best for your enterprise:

Multi-Platform Support

This feature is a must for the development of any kind of enterprise apps. The mobile ecosystem is constantly changing with new platforms, devices, form factors and Operating Systems (OS). You should invest in a cross-platform Mobile Application Development Platform, which helps you configure and modify features across a variety of devices and OS platforms like iOS, Android and the Web. Our Mobile Application Development Platform develops apps for iOS, Android and the Web, automatically. Moreover, these apps come equipped with an enterprise administration backend that includes a granular reporting engine and dashboard. It also includes a communication framework to enhance control and collaboration throughout a business’s unique architecture.

Optimal Security

When it comes to enterprise mobile app, you cannot place many restrictions on thought. Such apps should be able to provide seamless access to employees from across the organization. However, enterprise mobile apps often contain sensitive corporate information, such as contact lists, emails, and card/wallet details. Prevention of security breaches while providing unrestricted user access becomes a challenge for the app developers.

The HokuApps Mobile Application Development Platform features an automated process where security is ingrained at every level of the app development process, which helps encrypt confidential data stored in the app and ensures security at both user and application levels. Established and security-conscious Mobile Application Development Platforms like HokuApps constantly provides security packages as updates to prevent data theft.

Availability of Integration Connectors

To call your enterprise app perfect, it has to connect to your existing functional systems, while also integrating to newer and improved components. As an article by Gartner states, system integration is one of the most underestimated factors of mobile app development today, even though it accounts for almost 70% mobile app project cost. Enterprises often operate in silos and require multiple back-end systems to be interfaced with. If you have pre-built integration connectors from your chosen Mobile Application Development Platform, as HokuApps does, it can help adopt a uniform approach to application packaging and interface development.

This makes sure that employees can operate efficiently with integrated third-party software like accounting software, ERP and such. HokuApps comes equipped with a powerful connector that has been pre-configured with more than 500 components and can integrate instantly. With such pre-configured integration connectors in place, integrations do not need to be coded from scratch. As a result, Mobile Application Development Platform, along with right system integration adopters, can rapidly connect your mobile app with appropriate software while greatly reducing the integration efforts and development time.

Future-Proof Functionality

As mobile technology has advanced through the years, we have come to expect more out of it with each advancement. We now want information to reach us first, rather than going and looking for those ourselves. Being so, the Mobile Application Development Platform selected by you should have established channels of communication. When your mobile employees are constantly connected with the other organizational departments, you can expect them to deliver tasks on time and create more business opportunities. Make sure your chosen Mobile Application Development Platform has the ability to incorporate and evolve with the changing technological requirements. Otherwise, your business can lag behind the competition.

The HokuApps Mobile Application Development Platform

We, at HokuApps, understand you need relevant apps to be developed in shorter time frames and at affordable costs. This is why we have automated the mobile app development process. With changing mobility needs, you need a Mobile Application Development Platform that develops and delivers enterprise-level apps rapidly by using a simple drag and drop method for fully-loaded app development in days or weeks and not months. With the HokuApps Mobile Application Development Platform, you can do customize your app based on your unique organizational hierarchy.

Ours is a platform that features 90% automation and 10% customization where we help you develop affordable, secure, reliable and flawless apps with pre-configured business modules and integrated tools, which are later customized to suit your unique ecosystem, to create 100% custom technology solutions at 10x speed. This means that your business specific mobile apps are delivered in days or weeks, in comparison to traditional app development which takes months or even years.