Benefits of Enterprise Application Integration for Your Business

Benefits of Enterprise Application Integration for Your Business

In this hyper competitive world, enterprise application integration has become a very critical concern. The extensive ideologies and approaches around this concept prove that enterprise data integration solutions are extremely significant. A survey carried out by RightScale has shown how application integration solutions are getting adopted rapidly.

More than 93% companies in the US use business application, this indicates that the prospects for IT vendors providing enterprise application software are bright like never before. Before delving into the benefits of EAI let us understand the concept and approaches to it.

The Concept of Enterprise Application Integration

Enterprise application integration services remove the gap between several computer programs. It also helps the employees in managing data through simple interfaces. The main goal of EAI is the effective use of data that is generated by the different departments.

Among the applications that need to be integrated one can list:

  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Business Intelligence
  • Human Resources
  • E-commerce systems

These programs fall under the category called software-as-a-service (SaaS). As per a research by Gartner, around 75% of companies which provide services that are related to IT, use around 6 applications on an average.

Approaches to Software Integration

  • Databases, as well as applications, are attached to an engine which gets and manages all the notifications which come from several channels;
  • Point-to-point link – Enterprise applications are linked to one another through one link. Such enterprise application integration systems are easy to build, even though there is a limit to their scalability.
  • Enterprise System Bus solutions – This is a multiple layer solution for numerous IT companies that utilize numerous complex business applications. The system allocates data processing operation among the other parts of the network.

The selection of EAI method is dependent on the organization’s’ goals and the intricacy of the IT infrastructure.

The Benefits of Enterprise Application Integration

The benefits of enterprise application integration services are numerous:

Improvement in management and sharing of data

EAI increases interoperability between the several departments of an organization. For the automotive industry in the US, interoperability faults may cast up to USD 1 Billion losses. An agile enterprise application software solution enables access to entire information that is gathered by business applications, eradicating data processing responsibilities.

Automation of the workflow

For instance, you can utilize the CRM customer data to start an email marketing campaign and create reports to assess its efficiency. The EAI platform improves business processes as well as enhances transparency of financial flow.

Flexibility in IT infrastructure

The integration of software allows organizations to develop IT facilities easily and respond timely to the growing expectations of the customer. When talking about the communication within the enterprise, there are challenges that appear when employees who are not as not as tech-savvy as others need to do technical tasks. They face troubles in managing the structure which is IT based.

With bigger organizations, there could be situations when it is difficult for the executives to take care of the IT structure in the enterprise where they are not able to utilize innovative technologies optimally. EAI helps in overpowering these hurdles and streamlines the business process applying better functionality in linking information as well as the functionality of many applications into an easy-to-use interface.

Creating new opportunities

One of the main organizational benefits of EAI is that it lets the managers know and respond to new opportunities much faster than before. Enterprise applications can help companies address shifts in the market, reputation management issues, supply chain disruption issues and more – all from a single interface.

Increasing efficiency 

EAI enables enterprises by making their communication easier, reduces their time and effort, better functionality, improved control that leads to an increase in the efficiency of the organization. It enables the organization to identify and respond to new opportunities. It can help the companies address the change in market trends, their reputation management matters, issues related to disruptions in supply chain etc. – from only one interface.

When done efficiently, EAI allows organizations to realize the holistic advantages of their investments. Enterprise Application is attaining acceptance among the organizations globally. It is not only advantageous to have EAI for enhancing organizational proficiencies, but also for the improvement an individual’s performance with several features like employee records and rewards.

EAI provides several financial benefits to the transportation and logistics companies, network providers, bank, and retail organizations. Nevertheless, enterprise application software and the integration process require an expertise in the implementation of security and coding protocols.The fact is that 66% of organizations store only around one fifth of the data off-premises. This shows that there is a substantial lack of confidence in the cloud as well as EAI solutions.

HokuApps – Your Integration Partner

Integration generally gets undermined because of other priorities. It is when organizations face challenges that are hard to deal with, then they realize that employing enterprise application software is extremely significant. There are several obstacles that can delay the progress of your organization in the absence of EAI. You may risk losing out to your competitors who have integration in their priority list.

While data integration is so significant, it is equally necessary to take care of data security as well. This is one of the major challenges in deciding the correct enterprise application integration services for your organization.

We suggest that working with a Digital Transformation partner is the right way to get your desired results at a low cost. There you will be able to define the requirements of developing and maintaining and, everything will be taken care of. Here is even a more logical way to get your work done! Give your organization a chance to check out the prospects of cutting-edge technology innovation. Make HokuApps your technology partner!

Want to know how our team at HokuApps Data Integration Platform can help you to connect your systems rapidly? Our team of app integration experts can help you to do away with data silos for deeper business insights. This will help you make the right decisions that are completely data driven. HokuApps will help you to connect your applications to get the technological advantage to help you attain business success.

Want to talk to with our app integration experts for integration of your applications 10X faster? Connect with our experts now!