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What is SAP Integration?

SAP integration facilitates integration between SAP and non-SAP applications

Companies each day are inundated with SAP application integration challenges. Businesses that do not integrate their SAP systems run the risk of failing to optimize critical business functions, resulting in reduced business agility and business process inefficiencies. Businesses, therefore, are continually looking for ways to integrate multiple stand-alone applications into a single application to reduce integration costs while concurrently focusing on ways to accelerate profitable growth.

Also, the SAP landscape has been evolving over the past several years and companies looking to integrate their SAP systems have witnessed the burgeoning of SAP integration applications that have transformed the way businesses are controlling all aspects of their operations.

This E-book highlights some of the common challenges faced when integrating SAP and provides a brief overview of SAP interface and integration technologies and discusses the various approaches for solving SAP integration challenges.

Here is the table of content:

1. SAP Interface and Integration Technologies
2. Approaches to SAP Integration
2.2. Point-to-Point Direct Integration with SAP Interfaces
2.3. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Stacks
2.4. Standalone Enterprise Service Bus (SAP integration)
3. HokuApps System Integration Platform: The Best SAP Integration Solution

When compared to other alternatives, HokuApps comparatively expedites the SAP-application integration process, thereby creating new business opportunities and simultaneously laying the foundation for future projects. With HokuApps, businesses can thus expect a higher long-term return on investment.

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