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Best Rapid Application Development (RAD) Tools

Build and deploy enterprise-grade mobile applications in minutes with HokuApps

A Strategic Change with RAD Tools

Businesses are now realizing that stepwise manual work suffers from errors and unavoidable delays as paperwork is handed from person to person, silo to silo. IT has come to the rescue to make new error-free ways of doing business in this age of digital transformation. Rapid Application Development (RAD) with rapid application development tools have become the most successful strategic change to have revolutionized global business practices.

Earlier traditions required hand coding powered by specific skills of individuals, which made the process error-prone and unstable at times. RAD tools bring stability to the table and adaptability for continuous improvement of businesses. The bottom line is that RAD is a more capable process that can handle the large and complex mobile backlogs of information through different sources than traditionally methods of running businesses.

A Strategic Change with RAD Tools
RAD Tools Change Business Landscapes

RAD Tools Change Business Landscapes

There has been a dramatic shift in allowing businesses and consumers essentially rent high-end mobile app development platforms to create enterprise-grade apps which are easy to use. Rapid application development tools have a minimalist graphic interface with buttons and menus that let developers build software with drag and drop of services. This reduces time-consuming hand coding work, a LOT.

Add this to cloud based technology and you get a system where different developers can work on different stages of the app to reduce app development time even more. This does not mean that there is no coding involved at all. In fact, it means that developers create 80% of the app through drag and drop, while 20% requires some coding to keep it all structured. The impact on smart and agile app delivery is quite substantial as this saves businesses on costs and time.

In addition, automation can assign tasks based on job specificity and workload. This allows individuals to arrange and manage workflows based on their preferences.

Benefits of RAD Tools
Brings Disparate Silos Together

Brings Disparate Silos Together

Improving developer productivity is only one of the steps to organizational success. HokuApps RAD platform gives priority to IT and collaboration of varied business silos through tools like project management, feedback mechanism, and visual development tools, ensuring that each silo focuses on delivering high-quality results.

Brings Disparate Silos Together
Sets a Standard for App Development

Sets a Standard for App Development

Traditional methods required developers to know each programming language for iOS, Android and Windows. HokuApps best RAD tools provide alternatives which move away from the coding, allowing more developers with domain expertise to participate in the app development process. The result is less coding, while the same codes are used in all programming languages. Thus, saving on time and development costs.

Integrated Database

Integrated Database

With HokuApps’ rapid application development (RAD) tools, the expensive traditional system can be replaced by using a database for prototyping. Our data integration system supports storage of unlimited records and access to rapid indexes without the need for expensive add-on tools. HokuApps can easily and instantly connect to your existing systems like CRM and ERP to leverage these databases to link solutions together.

Integrated Database
Customizable Dashboards

Customizable Dashboards

Later on, executives can customize their dashboards as they deem fit, to build tools like billing, asset manager, online catalog, inventory management, bookkeeping etc. The difference being that RAD tools are a game changer that off-the-shelf software can’t even come close to. For instance, a rapid application development (RAD) tool can build a software around existing business processes. If employees want to look for ‘shipping from’ location, routing number and ‘shipped to’ location, they can create a custom logic as they choose to.

Support Through the Entire App Lifecycle

Support Through the Entire App Lifecycle

Most app development tools focus on deployment as the key step. But with HokuApps, each stage of the cycle is facilitated to allow organizations to adapt to changing requirements. Rapid application development (RAD) tools give varied lines-of-business experts the power to make changes based on a continuous feedback loop from end-users and workforce, throughout the app’s lifecycle.

Support Through the Entire App Lifecycle
Drive the Future with the Internet of Things

Drive the Future with the Internet of Things

The Internet of Thing or IoT is an explosion of three technology shifts. They are explosion of data, the growth of Cloud-driven services and putting real-time information in the hands of the consumers. The Iot morphs the digital into the physical by creating an ecosystem for collecting and processing massive amounts of data through various devices and providing insights from the data. IoT devices includes smart watches, fitness trackers, smart home systems, smart security systems, and smart cars.

Simplified Administration

Basic tools like calendar, contact manager, and clock are standard tools which all businesses require. Any off-the-shelf app can provide you with these. However, as each business requirement are different, different elements can be connected based on requirements. For example, an employee database for a business will need fields for names, contact info, date of birth, email, address, role in the organization, branch office, history etc. All our developers need to do is click on the field that this section is included in the app.

Our RAD tools offer concise tools to ease database maintenance. Thus, eliminating mind-numbing paperwork that are required to maintain such large databases. HokuApps provides the ability to plan live backups, publishing databases, and create scripts in the future as the need arises.

Automate the Process

Automate the Process

In addition to bringing the whole system together onto one platform, automation further increases delivery speed by eliminating obsolete methodologies which are dependent on skills of individuals. RAD tools take an iterative approach and involves the workforce, business partners and end users in the continuing app improvement process.

This is because RAD as a development technique is designed for high-quality application systems with a rapid development cycle and lower costs in comparison to traditional development cycles. In order to restructure entire business processes, RAD uses automated techniques and tools to build new and streamlines information workflows.

Get Your Own RAD App

There are a couple of ways RAD tools are available to consumers. You could either build your app group up or use RAD tools attached to an existing software program. If you choose the first option, then HokuApps can create a native or cross-platform app based on your requirements and connect Cloud-based third party tools as required. If you choose to integrate your existing software together with RAD tools, then you can use our executive dashboard to bring all the elements together on one platform.

HokuApps rapid custom app development platform with cloud-based integration is proven technology that is the next industrial revolution waiting to happen. This is a window of opportunity that forward-thinking businesses should embrace. Start exploring how HokuApps RAD tools can enhance productivity and serviceability, or invest in a cutting-edge custom RAD platform to stay ahead of your competition.

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