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Rapid Application Development (RAD) Software

Rapidly configure end-to-end enterprise mobility app

End-to-End Enterprise Mobility Solutions
End-to-End Enterprise Mobility Solutions
Custom Web and Mobile App Solutions
Custom Web and Mobile App Solutions
500+ API Integration Options
500+ API Integration Options
Instantly Connect Disparate Systems
Instantly Connect Disparate Systems

Create Web and Mobile Apps at 10x Speed

The only constant for businesses in the age of digital transformation is that they will keep adding software to drive efficiency and streamline processes. With this constant, however, the number of applications start piling up. Bringing to the fore challenges of managing data silos, coding to integrate said silos, and multiple systems to manage and upgrade. HokuApps provides the solution with a Rapid Application Development Software.

HokuApps’ RAD software curtails the need for coding while providing multiple point solutions for new and existing third party solutions. With HokuApps, you can easily replace your aging database software while filling gaps in functionality between different silos. By bringing all different silos onto one unified platform, you can empower your IT support staff to the fullest.

Pre-Built Templates and Modules
Pre-Built Templates and Modules
Drag and Drop App Creation
Drag and Drop App Creation
Native or Cross-Platform Apps
Native or Cross-Platform Apps
Interactive UI/UX
Interactive UI/UX

Create Apps at Rapid Speeds with Best RAD Software

HokuApps’ uses a low code app development framework to equip developers to ‘point & click’ app configuration at ten times the speed. While speed isn’t the only impact, your business can go from working on a few projects years to working on multiple projects simultaneously. We believe that faster app rollout equates to faster solutions to solve your business’s critical requirements.

Another feature of HokuApps rapid application development platform is that the app is pre-packaged with inbuilt connectors which allow it to float mobile enterprise apps with short time-to-market. This feature allows instant connect with existing legacy systems and cloud-based third party tools.
  • Low code app platform to create apps at 10x speed
  • Automated app creation and deployment process
  • Web and mobile app creation
  • Create apps in days or weeks, not months
  • Keep costs down

Bring Efficiency, Automation, & Scalability to Your Business

RAD Software HokuApps
The HokuApps Rapid Application Development Platform provides mobile apps solutions to suit any workflow or industry
From creating solutions for complex business workflows to connecting different business systems, our rapid application development platform gives you the ability to realize your vision of an agile organization.
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Cross-Platform Solutions

Take a look at the range of remarkable Android and iOS applications developed by HokuApps. Choose HokuApps RAD tool for agile, flexible and scalable apps for rapid app development.
  • rapid application development software hokuapps
  • best rad development software hokuapps

Here’s Why Your Business Needs Its Own App

Mobile apps are just not for the big guys. Know some of the best business-value benefits for your business, no matter the complexity of your workflow.
best rad software hokuapps
Spread Your Resources Based on Requirements

Before unifying varied silos, many if your IT landscapes would be disconnected dots, working as a singular unit, devoid of real contact among themselves. Some research tells us that most large enterprises use more than 100 apps on a daily basis. Others cite even more. And as businesses grow to accommodate demand, the challenges will only multiply.

This causes an overload of information where people spend more time searching for data than on productive work. Your IT support is overburdened with upgrades across disparate systems and security challenges. In business terms, this equates to additional cost and wasted time.

Enterprise mobility simplifies your IT environment, enabling rapid configuration of unlimited apps onto one unified platform. This means your IT team has one product to manage and you have full control over spreading your resource, based on the requirement as you no longer have to pilot across multiple systems.

best rad software hokuapps
rad software model hokuapps
Keep Up With Technology Changes

Like we mentioned earlier. Change is a constant for businesses in this digital age. The change could be in shifting priorities, advancing customer demands or optimizing employee productivity. The crux of the matter is that as businesses evolve, your technology solutions need to evolve as well.

A low code platform with inbuilt connectors offers the advantage of drag and drop functionality. Thus making it easier for you to expand solutions and operations, add new features or to invest in new projects simultaneously. This thought isn’t the case with off-the-shelf mobile apps.

In contrast to traditionally built apps, custom solutions offer unlimited features that are customizable to the organization’s needs. In addition, the best RAD development software doesn’t charge a premium for growth or expansion after the initial creation and deployment of the app. There are no surprise costs here.

Also, apps built on our software don’t require changes made on different platforms differently. This saves a great deal of time for the developer and customer, brings in added agility, and even if a developer leaves, the knowledge stays with the company.

RAD Software
Create a Strong Connect Between Data and Content

Integrating unstructured content with structured data is the top struggle that businesses cite. RAD software development offers a direct solution to this dilemma. By bringing together all data from various content sources onto one platform, businesses can minimize data silos by leveraging a shared content database and repository.

The best rapid software development options offer data integration to synchronize information from various sources and different lines-of-business, acting as a hub while filling gaps between disparate systems. This is critical to understand and serve customers effectively. Basically, data is structured and made legible to understand, identify trends and make changes accordingly.

HokuApps provides an instinctive user interface to provide reports and analysis. And with a recent report citing that more than half of respondents expecting a major rise in embedded content in customer service apps and internal collaboration, the requirement will only increase in demand in the years to come.

RAD Software
RAD Software HokuApps
Optimize Productivity In-house

With the mobile penetrating our social fabric at all levels, expectations are high for service and products. And in the age of digital transformation, the speed of service delivery can make or break a business. A productivity app needs to be easy to use and intuitive to customers, streamline task management and bring disparate silos together, and identify and solve problems that the business is facing.

The app should provide enough insights to address inefficiencies. A HokuApps iPhone application development company created business app has the potential to improve workplace experience for your workforce, thus fueling productivity and improving task management. A good app enables, while a great mobile app can let your workforce innovate and design the app for improved productivity to conquer the most difficult workflows.

Build Fast and Agile Enterprise Apps at 10x Speed

HokuApps enterprise RAD platform lets you adopt custom workflows supporting a diverse line of business.
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HokuApps Platform Offers Some Unique Features

HokuApps realizes that no two businesses are alike, and every business wants to create their own special story in this age of digital transformation with agile mobile applications.
  • Integrated SecurityWith increased data comes the responsibility to protect it. This makes security anything but an afterthought. A great enterprise mobility app should protect against third party intrusions or data leaks into the network by hackers and malware. HokuApps’ creates an app to tightly integrate security into the development process.
  • Improved Collaborative EffortsAs your business creates cross functional teams that are really agile, your teams will be enabled with instant communication. Even the entire extended team, i.e., stakeholders, mobile app development partners and business partners can collaborate through customer relationship management software.
256-bit Enterprise-grade security
256-bit Enterprise-grade security
Executive Dashboard for real-time data and analytics
Executive Dashboard for real-time data and analytics
All data is stored on Cloud-software i.e., Amazon AWS
All data is stored on Cloud-software i.e., Amazon AWS

Why HokuApps?

HokuApps Rapid Application Development methodology provides one click app deployment to suit any ecosystem, including more than 500 cloud tools. With hundreds of pre-built components widgets and templates, your business can accelerate productivity to create a vibrant marketplace. The experience can be felt by users on mobile, tablet and desktop. All they need to do is connect with the app.
Reduce Time to Market
Reduce Time to Market
Exceed User Expectation
Exceed User Expectation
Unify People, Processes and Technology
Unify People, Processes and Technology
Legacy Systems Modernization
Legacy Systems Modernization

Get Your Own RAD Software

With HokuApps’ Rapid Application Development Software you can uncover true value and requirements to build a brand and create new products with minimal friction. The idea is to create minimum viable products to certify ideas into solutions to stay ahead of the competition. HokuApps RAD approach takes businesses on a journey where technology plays a part as an enabler while collating and presenting data as trends and reports, automatically.

The software itself is future proof as it comes with multiple options to manage and add new API tools depending on your requirements in the future. In addition, you won’t have to invest in extra hardware as everything is done in the Cloud. We take care of the safety of the database, its security, IT requirements and everything in between so that you can concentrate on running your business.
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